Guest Art

I'l like to personally thank those who have contributed guest art to help me cover my update schedule in times of need.

To M Neils, who donated this guest art to air one week when I was on vacation in New York City. "M" Runs a fun little strip called Chat Rouge. My thanks to her for saving my bum...even if it wound up that I didn't need anyone to cover my bum that week. It's always nice to know that your bum is covered. Although I do consider this to be a bit of a "Parellel Universe" take on "The Dude", since he IS playing a Saxiphone here....perhapse it's from an Earth B strip called "Everywhere but There". What? Bad pun? You should be use to those by now.

Next came a guest strip from an artist that I have developed quite the working relationship to. Kilroy lives in Lousiana, and is the creative Genius behind Where Drunk Meets Genius. He and I wind up doing quite a few colaborations together. Many a night has come where he needs a puncline for his strip and I'm often able to deliver...and in return, many a day has come where through our numerous conversations I get a number of ideas that make their way into my strip. So when he heard I needed guest art, he was more then up for the challange.

This little piece of art comes from a good friend of mine. Amy Hohensee did a fun little strip called "Drive Thru Blues". Amy was the first webcomic artist EVER to link to me, and as a little thank you, I created the character AMY after her. The fan art is a self portraite of the character...yeah, chew on that for a second. Amy did fan art of her character which is based off of her. :Chew, Chew, Chew, Chew: Boggles the mind doesn't it.

This one I absolutly love. It was sent to me by artist Nathan Wooters of the comic Fail. I love how the blue gives it this cool little effect. Very...classy, very Miles Davis during his "cool" stage. And the look on The Dude's face just captures a certain uncertainty to the character that I think is absolutly spectacular. If I needed a guest artist to fill in for me for a week, Nathan would probibly be my first choice off of this pic alone.

This is a Secret Santa gift that I got from Steve Vouldrie at Professor Paradox. I cannot express how absolutly PISSED I am that he came up with an idea that so captures the spirit of The Dude, and the underlying message of Anywhere But Here so perfectly that it makes me look like a hack. Steve, you rock!

This little diddy comes from Jose Becker of Waist High, a fun little strip which is somewhere between Peanuts, and Calvin and Hobbes.

This little piece comes from Leona Took. I have never seen the dude rendered in a "manga" style, it's kinda weird, in that interesting "Twilight Zone" sort of way. It's like the alternative Mega-Tokyo version of The Dude, however I doubt I could EVER write a character whiney or emasciulated enough to make the pages of Mega-Tokyo.

Yet another piece of Fan Art from Kilroy at Where Drunk Meets Genius. This time, it's Mozillas and Butters, kicking it live Miami Vice Style.

A piece of Fan Art from Chad Huculak of  Decadant and Depraved, a little strip that focuses on the nastities of life.

Nastities? Is that even a word?

I love the style of this piece. Coffee, smug look of bastardhood...yep, it's the Dude allright.

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Copyright 2004 -2005 to Jason Siebels

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